
I’d like to thank . . .

inspiring-bloggerMy friend CT over at Drinks well with others has nominated me for this, for which I thank him and which one day I hope to be able to celebrate with him in person.

Apprently I now have to:

1. Display the Award Certificate on your website. 

2. Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award.

3- Present this award to 15 other deserving bloggers.

4- Let my nominees know they have been summoned.

5- List 7 interesting things about me.

Well I think I’ve done number 2 so I now have to work out how to complete my allotted tasks – -‘Your mission  . . .  ‘ fade in dramatic music

By Rowland Jones

I enjoy writing, here and on Substack and I love performing my music, on my own or with the band. Lesley and I love Italy.
I have Pinterest boards - mainly about books, and Italy
Do we have any interests in common?
Come and say hello !

3 replies on “I’d like to thank . . .”

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